Overbearing Tyrant manhwaIn the year 202X, the Otherworlders invaded Earth. The otherworlders have more sophisticated technology and hunted down humans with combat robots and viral weapons, and the remaining humans battled on for 10 years just to survive. The main character, Park Sung Hyun’, was the leader of the troops in Incheon, Bupyeong. Prior to the invasion of the Otherworlders, he used to be a part-timer at a convenience store like an ordinary person, but he became a strong warrior in the process of losing his family and battling to avenge them. In the midst of the attack against the Otherworlders’ headquarters, Park Hyun Sung got trapped in a warp portal with the leader. When he woke up, he found himself in a fantasy world that reminded him of the medieval times in Europe, and his soul was trapped inside a weak blonde 15-year-old pretty boy’s body. Hyun Sung was surprised by the unfamiliar surroundings and his weak body and found out that he is occupying the body of Ian Albarren, and that his father is the lord of a land who owes a large debt to the great lord and faces a difficult time ruling over his land. Park Hyun Sung, who had been fighting against combat robots and viral weaponry from the Otherworlders who had advanced scientific technology, decides to get used to this fantasy world to fight against monsters with armor and swords.
- Chapter 53.1 01/05/2023
- Chapter 52 01/05/2023
- Chapter 51 01/05/2023
- Chapter 50 12/15/2022
- Chapter 49 12/07/2022
- Chapter 48 12/02/2022
- Chapter 47 12/02/2022
- Chapter 46 11/15/2022
- Chapter 45 11/07/2022
- Chapter 44 11/01/2022
- Chapter 43 10/25/2022
- Chapter 42 10/18/2022
- Chapter 41 10/15/2022
- Chapter 40 10/04/2022
- Chapter 39 09/27/2022
- Chapter 38 09/19/2022
- Chapter 37 09/11/2022
- Chapter 36 09/11/2022
- Chapter 35 08/30/2022
- Chapter 34 08/22/2022
- Chapter 33 08/17/2022
- Chapter 32 08/17/2022
- Chapter 31 08/17/2022
- Chapter 30 08/17/2022
- Chapter 29 08/17/2022
- Chapter 28 08/17/2022
- Chapter 27 08/17/2022
- Chapter 26 08/17/2022
- Chapter 25 08/17/2022
- Chapter 24 08/17/2022
- Chapter 23 08/17/2022
- Chapter 22 08/17/2022
- Chapter 21 08/17/2022
- Chapter 20 08/17/2022
- Chapter 19 08/17/2022
- Chapter 18 08/17/2022
- Chapter 17 08/17/2022
- Chapter 16 08/17/2022
- Chapter 15 08/17/2022
- Chapter 14 08/17/2022
- Chapter 13 08/17/2022
- Chapter 12 08/17/2022
- Chapter 11 08/17/2022
- Chapter 10 08/17/2022
- Chapter 9 08/17/2022
- Chapter 8 08/17/2022
- Chapter 7 08/17/2022
- Chapter 6 08/17/2022
- Chapter 5 08/17/2022
- Chapter 4 08/17/2022
- Chapter 3 08/17/2022
- Chapter 2 08/17/2022
- Chapter 1 08/17/2022